Training Specialty Consulting

This part of the services that a company, government entity, or school can obtain is very important because successful history, wisdom, practical techniques, and tactics can be enthusiastically provided to individuals, small groups, or large groups.

Donohue Specialty Consulting can provide a series of training workshops or seminars periodically at the client’s location or anywhere convenient for the attendees.

Or we can create and provide a single important event to carry a very particular subject or, if needed, the general aspects of a subject matter.

Corporate Executive Training Session

The DSC professionals provide training in focused categories that are more related to asset management, negotiating transactions, dispute resolutions, change management, procedure improvements, ethical leadership, strategic plans, etc.

For example, Donohue Specialty Consulting believes integrity, dignity, and reputation are extremely important. Formal training regarding Ethical Leadership helps to further improve the already good character of staff, clarifies the best behavior in regard to sometimes difficult situations, and actually improves marketing and imagery.

The economy, the particular market, new legislation, new technology, and many other factors can affect various companies, government agencies, and universities. We will work with the client to predict the various impacts these factors can have and then create a Change Management Plan to eliminate any negative impacts but also gain advantages due to any new changes.

Also, George Donohue, the founder of Donohue Specialty Consulting, is a well-known author of various related books. So, the training workshops, seminars, and boot camps will have the appropriate books included.

We can provide:

• One time event or Series of Training
• Customized Training

Training Consulting

Have a question? We are ready to assist you.

Our Team

George Donohue

George Donohue


Renowned as one of the nation’s top negotiation experts, George Donohue has taught the business of real estate and the art of negotiating to thousands of people. He has consulted for corporations, governments and individuals worldwide.

Paul Wolfson

Paul Wolfson


With a remarkable career spanning various facets of real estate, Paul Wolfson has consistently demonstrated
his expertise in managing real estate transactions, sourcing financing, and driving value creation.

Kevin Hu

Kevin Hu


Kevin Hu has the expertise, knowledge, and skill set to analyze a company’s requirements and generate new business opportunities. He can also greatly improve the current relationships with international companies and foreign agencies.