Investment and Financing Specialty Consulting

Donohue Specialty Consulting provides a specific, focused service on the initial aspects of a company seeking financing.

Financing Application Assistance

The primary service regarding financing is assisting the client in creating a perfect application and introducing and connecting the company to financiers that would be interested in providing the financing.

The key aspect to obtaining financing is justifying that the risk level is at an adequate level. This requires various substantial pieces of information, such as the business plan, market trends, the impact of future legislation, etc.

Donohue Specialty Consulting is an excellent “business author” and will assist the companies in collecting and creating the appropriate information within the timeline.

real estate negotiation

Connection to Financiers

In addition, the Donohue Specialty Consultants who are experts in the financing industry, have many contacts and business relationships with entities that provide specific types of financing. DSC will introduce the client to the best financiers that may be able to help the client with regard to the type of financing the client needs, a procedure they can handle, and a timeline that is beneficial to the client.


  • Financing Application Assistance
  • Connection to Financiers

Investment and Finance Consulting

Have a question? We are ready to assist you.

Our Team

George Donohue

George Donohue


Renowned as one of the nation’s top negotiation experts, George Donohue has taught the business of real estate and the art of negotiating to thousands of people. He has consulted for corporations, governments and individuals worldwide.

Paul Wolfson

Paul Wolfson


With a remarkable career spanning various facets of real estate, Paul Wolfson has consistently demonstrated
his expertise in managing real estate transactions, sourcing financing, and driving value creation.

Kevin Hu

Kevin Hu


Kevin Hu has the expertise, knowledge, and skill set to analyze a company’s requirements and generate new business opportunities. He can also greatly improve the current relationships with international companies and foreign agencies.